‘And Just Like That’ Reveals Charlotte Is A “C*m-Slut” With a Subplot About Harry’s “Dust-Balls”

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Do you know what “Dust-Balls” are, with regard to sex? If not, the latest episode of Max‘s And Just Like That… is here to educate you. After their kids go off to summer camp, Charlotte (Kristin Davis) and Harry (Evan Handler) immediately take advantage of their empty apartment by having sex. Charlotte invites her husband to cum on her chest as a special treat…but nothing happens. Harry orgasms, but there is no ejaculate. That’s because Harry has “Dust-Balls,” as Anthony (Mario Cantone) coins them. His semen is backed up thanks to an increasingly weak pelvic floor.

Harry’s condition isn’t life-threatening, but it is disappointing for Charlotte, who reveals to the gals and Anthony that she loves semen. “It’s like the confetti at a parade. It’s like the finale of fireworks on the 4th of July,” she says, prompting Carrie (Sarah Jessica Parker) to speak for all of us by saying, “I love you so much right now.” Miranda (Cynthia Nixon), on the other hand, calls Charlotte a “cum-slut,” to Anthony’s mock horror. Ejaculation punctuates sex for Charlotte. Hence, she goes to work coaching Harry through kegels in a rather sweet, hilarious sequence that feels, like a lot in this episode, like a nod to classic Sex and the City.

Harry Goldenblatt and Charlotte York’s relationship was built on their surprising sexual chemistry. Once upon a time, Harry was Charlotte’s divorce lawyer, chosen by her specifically because she found his blustering, uncouth ways as unattractive. She wouldn’t get distracted as she had been by his more conventionally handsome colleague. However, as it happens, Harry was crushing on Charlotte. Bad. After her divorce was final, he staged an adorably hokey seduction in a friend’s bachelor pad and professed his love/lust. Charlotte shocked herself first by sleeping with him and again later by revealing to Anthony that it was possibly the best sex she ever had. Lust led Charlotte to love and then a Jewish conversion and finally a happily ever after with Harry.

Kristin Davis in 'And Just Like That...' Season 2
Photo: Max

All of this is to say that Charlotte and Harry have long had one of the healthiest and most robust sexual relationships in the Sex and the City universe. So it should have come as no surprise that they’d want to go at it as soon as Lily (Cathy Ang) and Rock (Alexa Swinton) were on the bus to summer camp. What was surprising was Harry’s mysterious invisible cum.

After gossiping about the situation with Carrie, Anthony, and Miranda, Charlotte tags along with Harry to the doctor and learns the technical term for “Dust-Balls” is “dry orgasm” or “retrograde ejaculation.” Apparently his semen went into his bladder instead of his penis. Charlotte seems the most upset by this and desperately wants to know if it can be reversed. Yes, by kegels.

Charlotte then goes into coach mode, teaching Harry how to do the pelvic floor exercises with hilarious abandon. (She also reveals she does three sets of ten a day??? Damn, Charlotte. Harry is a lucky man.) By the end of the episode, Charlotte is able to coax the cum out of Harry with a romantic handjob. A victory for ejaculation stans everywhere!

But seriously, this subplot epitomized how And Just Like That… continues to embrace the legacy of Sex and the City in its second season. The original HBO hit was a beloved soap opera full of great performances, so-so puns, and glorious fashion porn, but it also never shied away from artfully dramatizing the less sexy side of sex. Here, Charlotte and Harry have to deal with a lesser known medical condition that obviously does affect men and their sexual partners. Once again, the likes of Charlotte, Carrie, and Miranda are offering subtle sex education to the masses. And that’s an accomplishment that deserves confetti, a fireworks finale, or Charlotte’s preferred form of celebration.